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Chem 10123 Home Page
TCU Chemistry Department
10123 Home Class Notes Exam Schedule Grading Resources
How to Study General Chemistry
  1. Review notes and textbook before class.
  2. In class ... Listen, Think, and Ask Questions.
  3. Emphasize the major topics in the class notes.
  4. Concentrate on one or two topics per study session.
    (~ one class worth, never a whole chapter, at one time)
  5. Work Problems, Problems, Problems !!!
  6. Start with sample problems within the text.
  7. Then do the Topic Problems at end of chapter on same topic.
  8. Strive to make conceptual connections between different problems within the same topic.
  9. When you've finished a chapter, do the Cumulative and Challenge Problems.
  10. For more review, work the old exams/quizzes from the web and know the notes cold!

    Use the office hours!
    Study every day and Don't Get Behind !!!


© 2003 • webmaster: Bob Neilson R.Neilson@tcu.eduTCU